What a relief to find a program that is thorough, no gaps, detailed steps for all kinds of learners, and it is enjoyable to learn with Mr. Zimmerman!
“As a homeschooling Mom of seven children, spanning 25 years, we have used multiple math curriculums. TabletClass Math is hands down, no comparison, the best we have used! I honestly am so thankful for it every day, What a relief to find a program that is thorough, no gaps, detailed steps for all kinds of learners, and it is enjoyable to learn with Mr. Zimmerman! I know because for the first time in my life, I have enjoyed math as I have worked alongside our boys. And, they are able to watch the videos as many times as they want and when they complete a course, Mr. Zimmerman has a final exam complete with study tips, etc. so that we know they are proficient. Thank you, thank you, thank you for Tabletclass Math!”
-Lisa S.
With the help of TabletClass we finally have that “Ahh ha” clicking moment when it all makes sense.
“Thank you TabletClass for all your help. My son has always struggled in math. Beginning in second grade, numbers are just another foreign language to him. Unlike so many parents out there who struggle teaching high levels of math due to difficulty, I am the opposite. Math is like an extension to my arm, yet teaching it to a student who is struggling immensely is often nerve wracking to say the least. With the help of TabletClass we finally have that “Ahh ha” clicking moment when it all makes sense. My son is currently in TabletClass’ Pre-Algebra class after already taking Pre-Algebra before. It is such a great moment when a parent can see a light turn on and it all makes sense again. I am great full for the gifts this program has given us.”
-Dana A.
This curriculum has been a blessing and an answer to prayer. Thanks so much!
“TabletClass has been a lifesaver for us this year! My girls, freshmen this year, struggled with Pre-Algebra using another curriculum last year. Under the guidance of John Zimmerman, because he called me and talked to me when I ordered, and always calls personally when you email a question, we started over with Pre-Algebra again. It wasn’t long before we were caught up enough again to start with Algebra, and it is going great! My girls are on schedule to finish Algebra as if they were never behind. The curriculum is easy to follow and they are getting great, easy to follow, instruction. I am confident that Algebra II and Geometry will be attainable with homeschooling because of TabletClass. This curriculum has been a blessing and an answer to prayer. Thanks so much!”
I am learning so much along with my daughter now. I wish I would have known about this program when I was homeschooling my older son.
“You have a gift of teaching and I for one am very glad you have used your gift to make this math class available to people like me that use to detest math. I am learning so much along with my daughter now. I wish I would have known about this program when I was homeschooling my older son. It would have made it so much better on him too.”
-God bless, Fonda 🙂
Let me say that TabletClass was a Godsend! My 7th grade son loved the PreAlgebra course!
“Well, I have to admit that I tried TabletClass out of desperation. I had spent so much time and money on other programs, none of which were good fits for my son. When I saw TabletClass on HomeschoolReviews.com, I figured I didn’t have anything to lose. Let me say that TabletClass was a Godsend! My 7th grade son loved the PreAlgebra course! He completed the course and for 8th grade was accepted into an accelerated math class at a university in our area. TabletClass helped him prepare for that. I’m so glad I found this product…. This year, it’s my daughter’s turn at TabletClass!”
Mr. Zimmerman uses an engaging style of teaching, making math less intimidating to non-math students, while gifted students are not bored.
“Our family has been using TabletClass for three years and plan on finishing up our homeschool math using this program. Our son completed Pre-Algebra through Algebra 2. Now our daughters are starting it. The concepts are taught in easy to understand bits. TabletClass is suited to students with a wide range of math abilities. The format is simple, clear and understandable. TabletClass tutorials make using the program comprehensible for even the most non computer savvy student or mom. Mr. Zimmerman uses an engaging style of teaching, making math less intimidating to non-math students, while gifted students are not bored. The students can set their own pace. The classes are available on a wide range of platforms. The program is very economical for any size family.”
John Zimmerman I thank you from the bottom of my heart. You obviously have a true gift and knack for being able to communicate mathematical concepts in a way that even the students that are struggling the most UNDERSTAND!
“I am truly speechless. I am one proud mama. My daughter has successfully completed 88% of the Foundations Math Course. There have been zero tears! Math has always been such a struggle for my daughter. Since beginning Foundations Math she has only come to ask me one question. Math is understood and she can do it on her own! I almost cannot believe it. Don’t get me wrong it’s not that I believe that my daughter isn’t smart because she is. The truth is she is battling some pretty big beasts right now, namely severe ADHD and Slow Processing Disorder. For those that are not familiar with Slow Processing Disorder. This disorder has nothing to do with intelligence. It deals with the brain needing more time to take in and respond to information. The fact that my daughter has almost completed this course on her own is HUGE! John Zimmerman I thank you from the bottom of my heart. You obviously have a true gift and knack for being able to communicate mathematical concepts in a way that even the students that are struggling the most UNDERSTAND. Thank you for your passion and all of the dedicated work that you have put into TabletClass Math.”
-Jennifer L. (Homeschool Happenings Blog)
I’m happy to say my “math-phobic” daughter placed into college level pre-calculus this year
“TabletClass Math was perfect for my daughter! We tried every math curriculum out there and even hired a private math teacher. But the frustration and tears continued. We signed on for TabletClass Math and re-did Algebra I (for the third time!) and then proceeded on to Geometry and Algebra II. No more frustration. She really enjoyed it! It is presented well and the amount of work to master the material is not so overwhelming that it’s discouraging and overkill. I’m happy to say my “math-phobic” daughter placed into college level pre-calculus this year and is now at the community college in the dual enrollment program. Both she and I are very thankful for TabletClass Math! Oh, and John is terrific to work with! He’s very accommodating to your needs and questions!”
-Susan M.
TabletClass.com fits in with our accelerated/child-led method of getting our kids into college by the age of twelve.
“I just wanted to share our praises for your website. We are the “College By Twelve” family and TabletClass.com fits in with our accelerated/child-led method of getting our kids into college by the age of twelve. My 10 year old has finished Algebra 1 and is waiting for the Algebra 2 course to start. On-line learning is the best way to teach kids who are self-motivated. We have had GREAT results in helping our 9 kids excel in Mathematics and TabletClass is exactly what we needed to make my workload as a mom easier. Blessings!”
-Mona Lisa Harding (author of The Brainy Bunch – www.thebrainybunchbook.com)
Now that our son is using TabletClass, instead of a ‘battle of the wills’, there is peace
“I’d like to thank you, John Zimmerman, for creating TabletClass. Doing math used to be the most stressful part of our homeschooling day. Now that our son is using TabletClass, instead of a ‘battle of the wills’, there is peace. You are so much better than I am at explaining the math concepts to our son, Travis. Sometimes I hear Travis conversing even laughing while he watches your videos. He is definitely engaged! The tests are most helpful to keep me informed of his progress. Thanks again for creating TabletClass!”
-Sandee, SC
Even though I’ve always struggled with math you make it seem really easy in the videos
“Not even one week into the program and I love it. Even though I’ve always struggled with math you make it seem really easy in the videos. I just wish I had discovered this program even 1 month before I started taking college algebra. It’s really convenient that you have all the subject matters in almost exact order of how they are being taught in my college level course as well. I am learning a lot of the fundamentals that the college instructor doesn’t teach because it’s stuff you’re already supposed to know when you get there. I’m spending hours on your site and am learning a lot! Would totally recommend this program to anyone who needs a little help with math. Love that this material will be available to me for a year. After this fast-paced course that I am taking, I plan on going back and starting at the beginning and trying to learn everything properly the way I should have learned it if I’d gone to high school”
-Jazmin J.
I just wanted to say how much I love TabletClass! I just started using it this year and it has been beyond helpful!
“I just wanted to say how much I love TabletClass! I just started using it this year and it has been beyond helpful! I went through Algebra 1 & 2 and struggled because of poor explanations of methods and answers. I am now using TabletClass for geometry and everything is explained so well! I hardly ever have trouble with the example sets, but if I do I can just go to the video on the problem and see the answer explained very simply. Thank you so much for creating TabletClass! I have been recommending it to all of my homeschool friends for high school math and will continue to do so. :)”
Now I have a wonderful sense of accomplishment from overcoming a major barrier in my life. Thanks, John.
“All my life I have wanted to learn algebra but found it too difficult. Finally, at age seventy-six, I decided to give it another try, so I signed up for John Zimmerman’s course. I found that being able to learn at my own pace from a veteran instructor instead of a book, was the key to conquering the subject, and after several months of concentrated effort, I completed the course. Now I have a wonderful sense of accomplishment from overcoming a major barrier in my life. Thanks, John.”
-Wallace H.
TabletClass course assignments closely followed those of my college class but John explained the lessons with a different perspective which helped tremendously.
“I have always wanted to be a nurse and finally decided to go back to college at 42 years old. I had put it off for years because I was afraid of math and never thought I would pass the math courses needed for the nursing program. I am attending NH Technical Institute and just finished my first semester of algebra and passed with a B+. I never would have believed I would be that proficient in algebra. I used TabletClass a few times a week throughout the semester to help me with assignments. TabletClass course assignments closely followed those of my college class but John explained the lessons with a different perspective which helped tremendously. I still have two more semesters of algebra in the near future and I decided to take them online since I have TabletClass to help me along the way! It’s well worth the investment. Thank you John!”
-Sherri P., NH
You’ve helped me so much and it’s only week five! I’m very grateful for your work!
“I am very much [enjoying the course]! Wish it was my math course, I’m going to use it for my teas exam too, don’t know what I would do without it. I also passed your site along to my daughters kindergarten teacher to help her daughter in math! You’ve helped me so much and it’s only week five! I’m very grateful for your work!”
Everything you taught in the courses was on the test And I FINALLY passed.
“I just wanted to say thank you sooooo much! I just received results back saying I passed the math portion on my TASC test. It’s really all thanks to you. I have been trying to pass the math since 2016. I tried everything to pass the math. I passed all other subjects on my first try and just couldn’t pass math. One day I stumbled across your website, signed up and studied. Everything you taught in the courses was on the test And I FINALLY passed. Now I can continue on and finally enter college! Thank you so much!”
My teacher makes difficult subjects easy to comprehend. Best of all, the course is extremely flexible.
“Tablet Class has been invaluable. My teacher makes difficult subjects easy to comprehend. Best of all, the course is extremely flexible. I am enrolled in college as well as high school, and Tablet Class is perfect because I can take the opportunity to finish my subjects whenever I have the free time. If it weren’t for this curriculum, I would definitely be overwhelmed, and that would be reflected in my grades.”
-Andrew K.
Thank you so much for creating this amazing curriculum for homeschoolers!
“Even though we’ve just started using TabletClass, my son and I are finding it very informative, organized and easy to use. We like the videos as they explain things well and don’t overload you with too much information at once. You also have a nice easy going manner that’s somehow seems to take any stress away. Not to mention, that if you need any help it’s just an email away. Thank you so much for creating this amazing curriculum for homeschoolers!”
-Lisa K.
Both my students said that the math is well explained, that it covers everything, and it is not made too complicated, yet challenging.
“We have been using TabletClass Math for a few months for my algebra student and for pre algebra for 2 months. Both my students said that the math is well explained, that it covers everything, and it is not made too complicated, yet challenging. What I, as a mom appreciate the most is, that when we have to contact John about something, that the same day he replies by e-mail and/or phone call and goes above and beyond in helping us.”
Her grades in Math have only been successful this year with A’s. Thank you for a great way for kids to learn and actually enjoy Math!
“My 10th grade daughter has been in your Geometry course this year! It is our first year using your website. I found your website through a search engine. My daughter struggled last year in Algebra 1 in another curriculum and that’s when we knew we wanted to try a different approach since she is a visual learner. I researched it and loved how you gave detailed information for the students to learn the material. My daughter said she loves the explanations of the information along with the worksheets. She loves the reviews and how you explain how the material builds while reviewing a concept needed for that lesson. Her grades in Math have only been successful this year with A’s. Thank you for a great way for kids to learn and actually enjoy Math!”
-Jessica D.
He came from Teaching Textbooks and had horrible gaps and he is doing great now! Thank you.
“My son has been using Pre-algebra this year and we are about to move into Algebra 1 in a few months. He came from Teaching Textbooks and had horrible gaps and he is doing great now! Thank you.”
-Sarah, Homeschooler
I started your Algebra 2 course. Wow. I just love Mathematics and you as a teacher. I am 40 years old. I am going back and fixing my weaknesses and holes in my math game. You are an excellent teacher.
“Mr. Zimmerman, God bless you sir. I have been doing your YouTube videos and have been loving them, but they were not enough. 🙂 Congratulations on over 400,000 subscribers! I think I saw that this week. I am a one of them! I started your Algebra 2 course. Wow. I just love Mathematics and you as a teacher. I am 40 years old. I am going back and fixing my weaknesses and holes in my math game. You are an excellent teacher. I really love the structure of your course. I look forward to taking your Pre-Calculus class next. I am also currently taking an Algebra based Physics class. I just love math and science/physics. I have a degree in Computer Science in Software Development. I am taking your classes to help me with math and physics for multiple reasons. I want to be a master mathematician and powerful physicist so I can be an exceptional engineer. I also have 4 boys 10 and under; 10, 8, 6, and 4. I want to/will be their math teacher. We homeschool our boys. I will definitely spread the word!
By the way…I love your system. I really enjoy how detailed and how organized the course is. Thank you so much for all your hard work over the years to have the skill set to teach this! Thank you so much for all the time you put in to put class together like this! I am just over joyed doing the algebra two course.”
We are loving it!!!!
“We are loving it!!!!!!!!!!!!! My son was using Math U See and was having a problem. He likes how you break everything out!”
Thank you so very much for making a product for home schooled kids that WORKS. Clear explanations, lots of review, and a reasonable price. One of the best home school purchases we ever made!
“TabletClass saved my daughter’s Algebra grade. She was enrolled in an online Algebra class through Keystone, and the class was really a struggle for her. It was organized very poorly in my opinion, in the order of subjects addressed. When she got stuck and emailed her teacher, she got a two word answer “page 367” as “help.” She is not a strong math student anyway, and it was becoming a $400 nightmare. Enter TabletClass, and suddenly- she was learning! By matching up your video topics to her quizzes and tests, she was able to complete the Algebra class and actually understand. She has been working through your excellent pre Algebra to review and fill in holes, and we plan to use TabletClass for Algebra 2 and skip the expensive, dry textbook, math from here on out. Thank you so very much for making a product for home schooled kids that WORKS. Clear explanations, lots of review, and a reasonable price. One of the best home school purchases we ever made! ”
-Cami (Virginia, US, home school parent)
Mr. Zimmerman, my 12 year old son LOVES your math lessons.
“Mr. Zimmerman, my 12 year old son LOVES your math lessons. We just started yesterday. Math is the first thing he wants to accomplish today. Thanks!”
-Mary J.
Tablet class has taught me to understand new ways to solve math
“Tablet class has taught me to understand new ways to solve math. It has also helped me to enjoy doing math, most days! I am very excited to continue in Algebra and Geometry as well.”
-8th Grade Student
I just want to say I love your math course!!
“I just want to say I love your math course!! It sure has helped us a lot with homeschool. Since I was having a hard time teaching math to my girls this has been the best solution. Now me and my girls sit down and learn pre algebra together every morning. Lol…”
Thanks for providing a way to have math instruction at home.
“We will be signing up our kids for your classes. Thanks for providing a way to have math instruction at home. I have taught them about all I am capable of teaching them. It is an answer to months of prayers and study to find the right program. Thanks!”
-Carie V.
TabletClass Math has been a life changer when it comes to math for us!
“We have jumped around with math curriculum since third grade, trying to find something that teaches my daughter in a way she can understand! This left a lot of gaps and she was really having a difficult time with upper grade math (she is just finishing up 8th grade.) I am not embarrassed to admit we needed help because I couldn’t teach it to her since I had forgotten how to do it! TabletClass Math has been a life changer when it comes to math for us! We have found it so easy to learn and actually enjoyable to understand what we are doing. I say “we” because I am doing it with her! It’s never too late to learn, right?”
-Carrie – founder of www.homeschoolgiveaways.com
No more frustration! Thank you, TabletClass!! I definitely recommend TabletClass to others who struggle. It has made the difference in our home.
“TabletClass has changed my son’s view of Math! We homeschool and use a DVD based curriculum. While we love it, the math is very visual. My son passed Algebra with an A, but couldn’t work problems in real world situations. It never sunk in. Then, I found TabletClass! He completed the Algebra course as a “refresher” over the summer and into the next school year. He was so excited…about Math! He would tell me the instructor really explained things in a way he could understand. It seems he needs both the audio and visual for learning math (and presented in a way I couldn’t teach him). He is currently completing Geometry, and doing well. He even helped his brother with Algebra 2. No more frustration! Thank you, TabletClass!! I definitely recommend TabletClass to others who struggle. It has made the difference in our home.”
-Denise C.
Thank you so much for TabletClass!! I didn’t think I would be able to find an affordable option for high school math.
“Thank you so much for TabletClass!! I didn’t think I would be able to find an affordable option for high school math. My children can operate the system easily without me, and if I ever have a question, it is answered quickly. I feel like this system is sent directly from God to our family. It was such an amazing find!! Thank you!!”
-Margaret V., NJ
Thanks for helping homeschoolers excel in math!
We used TabletClass Geometry last year due to a special bundle I received from another website. I was hesitant in using another online math course, other than the one we had used before, but liked the price of TabletClass, so decided to try it for Geometry. When it came time to look at an online class for Algebra II, I asked our daughter which online program she preferred and she said that she liked TabletClass the best. It was easier to understand and she liked the way it showed her how to work the problems. I just now ordered Algebra II from TabletClass for her next math course. Thanks for helping homeschoolers excel in math!”
Mr. Zimmerman’s methodology of teaching is easy to understand because he breaks concepts down and makes them very practical to solve. I can honestly say that TabletClass Math has given my daughter the confidence to excel in areas she was not doing so before.
“I found TabletClass Math during my online search for a math curriculum for my home-schooled child. Being new to homeschooling, I knew I wanted a curriculum just as good or better than public school instruction, but comprehensible enough for me as the parent to facilitate. When we came across tablet class it seemed promising, so we decided to try the pre-algebra curriculum– and we are so glad we did! We really love how clear cut and concise the instruction is. Mr. Zimmerman’s methodology of teaching is easy to understand because he breaks concepts down and makes them very practical to solve. I can honestly say that TabletClass Math has given my daughter the confidence to excel in areas she was not doing so before. She has personally said that she likes the set up of the class, how he gives the objectives before the lesson and reviews afterwards to make sure she gets what was taught. She has also said that she appreciates how he speaks “plain English” and how he tries to make the lessons fun. We are so pleased with the curriculum, we decided to move on to Algebra 1 and will continue to use it during the remainder of her high school years! So glad we chose to give this a try!”
-Nikki and Harmoni
We have recommended TabletClass to all our friends, home schoolers or not. We just love it, it the best thing we could of done for our daughter!
“We have tried many home school curricula and TabletClass is our favorite one! It doesn’t take a long time to do and my daughter is learning and retaining the information wonderfully! John really loves to teach and is able to break things down to a level that every student can follow. We have recommended TabletClass to all our friends, home schoolers or not. We just love it, it the best thing we could of done for our daughter!”
-Homeschool Parent
I don’t have to worry if I am teaching algebra correctly which means I can focus on my younger daughter while my son is being taught by John.
“Loving Tablet Class. As a mom, I don’t have to worry if I am teaching algebra correctly which means I can focus on my younger daughter while my son is being taught by John. Hands off for me!”
TabletClass has really been a great addition to our home school. As a Mom that is “math challenged” this program really takes the pressure off of me to be able to teach my daughter algebra.
“TabletClass has really been a great addition to our home school. As a Mom that is “math challenged” this program really takes the pressure off of me to be able to teach my daughter algebra. This program lends itself to independent study which is important as I have 7 children needing my attention during the day. My daughter has been able to go back and review the videos as many times as she needs to get the concept down and this has been another great aspect of TabletClass. John has been so very helpful and just an email away to answer any questions I have. I will be using this with all my children in the future.”
-Alisa S. (mom to 7 blessings in PA)
My scores raised 70 points in the mathematics area of the SAT’s thanks to this program. TabletClass is a great and convenient way to learn math.
“Tablet Class is a great way to expand your knowledge in the field of mathematics. It brings the classroom right to your home through the simple use of a computer. The program is very organized and is designed to make your experience as comfortable as possible. I wish I had access to this program going through school when I first learned the numerous areas of math as it would have helped me in so many ways. Instead, I used TabletClass to help me study for my SAT’s. I identified the weak areas which I needed help with and was able to study these specific topics because TabletClass breaks down the different subject areas into categories. My scores raised 70 points in the mathematics area of the SAT’s thanks to this program. TabletClass is a great and convenient way to learn math.”
-David C., NJ
He has loved doing your math class. The information is well presented and he follows along with ease. We both think this will be his math for the rest of his school years.
“Just thought I would drop a line and let you know what we think. My son just loves your class online. He is advanced in math and does well across the board with most math curricula. He was doing Bob Jones Math for homeschool. He loved it but seemed to be wanting something different. We received an email from our homeschool group telling us about your site. He has loved doing your math class. The information is well presented and he follows along with ease. We both think this will be his math for the rest of his school years. Algebra here we come!!!!”
-Tanya R. and Steven B., VA
When Saxon math wasn’t “clicking” for my daughter I saw TabletClass.com posted on our homeschool loop and gave it a try. It was a perfect fit, my daughter has flourished using TabletClass.com! After one week using TabletClass.com she said “oh mom this is great I LOVE it!!
“As a Homeschooling mom I have the pleasure of choosing curriculum that fits my child’s learning style. When Saxon math wasn’t “clicking” for my daughter I saw TabletClass.com posted on our homeschool loop and gave it a try. It was a perfect fit, my daughter has flourished using TabletClass.com! After one week using TabletClass.com she said “oh mom this is great I LOVE it!!” Her comprehension in Algebra 2 has been excellent. Having access to our on line teacher Mr. Zimmerman is a big plus, you never get “stuck” because he is willing to help guide the student through any “hiccups” in the learning process. Now that she is in High School I am using the college SAT as her testing and I can’t wait to see how much her score goes up in math! We are so glad we added TabletClass.com to our curriculum!”
-V. Sherman, Clearwater FL
I have always loved math and this is great. I have even referred it to friends of mine that were going to spend $250.00 per month on taking their child to Sylvan Learning Center. I encouraged them to give you a try first, and their child went from almost failing, to an A on their report card.
“We are enjoying TabletClass as a means for our homeschooling Alg. 1 class. I say we because, I’m also relearning algebra for myself along with my son. I have always loved math and this is great. I have even referred it to friends of mine that were going to spend $250.00 per month on taking their child to Sylvan Learning Center. I encouraged them to give you a try first, and their child went from almost failing, to an A on their report card. They have only been using Tablet Class for a little over a month. They love it and so does their son. I only wish that I would have had a program like this for my daughter that just graduated high school this past may. She really struggled and I think this would have really been great for her.
Thank you so very much for providing a wonderful program.”
-Devonda C., TN
My ds is liking TabletClass Algebra. We started it as a supplement to Harold Jacobs Algebra, but now it’s pretty much the other way around.
“My ds is liking TabletClass Algebra. We started it as a supplement to Harold Jacobs Algebra, but now it’s pretty much the other way around. The instructor goes thru how to do problems on a white board. Very clear explanations, the guy has a nice voice to listen to. You can download lessons onto iPod, etc, too, to watch away from the computer. You could try it as a supplement for a month, and see how he likes it.”
-Julie Knapp (The Homeschool Diner “a full menu of homeschool resources” www.homeschooldiner.com)
The last subject I took was the Math and yes, your website and your chapter by chapter, step by step instructions guided me to the glory of math success. I must say that your coaching and online tutorials are the BEST…
“Hi Mr. Zimmerman: Sir, I have a surprise for you, I just passed my MATH, GED, and rest of the subjects too. The last subject I took was the Math and yes, your website and your chapter by chapter, step by step instructions guided me to the glory of math success. I must say that your coaching and online tutorials are the BEST a student could ever find and many thanks to the greatest math wiz and the powerful mind and the kind heart whose act is so selfless that it helps thousands of students like us. You are my math HERO and will always be and I will highly recommend to website to many other students out there struggling to find directions and the only direction is Mr. Zimmerman’s golden math tutorials. Yay!!!! Thank you from the bottom of my heart again. :)”
-Your Student and Fan, Waseem
TabletClass gives clear and precise instruction that makes it easy to understand. Practice for the concepts are practical and not excessive “busy work.”
“I started homeschooling my son in 5th grade at the age of 11 for several reasons, one being lack of being challenged in math in the public school system. We used a different math program the first year and I found he still needed to be further ahead and needed an instructor to walk him through it instead of reading the directions in a book and me trying to interpret them. Then we found TabletClass! He is enrolled in Pre-Algebra this year at the age of 12 and really loves it. TabletClass gives clear and precise instruction that makes it easy to understand. Practice for the concepts are practical and not excessive “busy work.” Their support is wonderful as well with any questions I’ve sent being quickly responded to. I would highly recommend this program to any homeschool family looking for a great Algebra course!”
-Meggin F. (Homeschool Mom of Bryce, 11 and Jackson, 9)
My three kids were so pleased. One even said, “I love math!” for the first time in her life.
“Last year was our family’s first year to use your TabletClass.com as our homeschool math curriculum. My three kids were so pleased. One even said, “I love math!” for the first time in her life. My youngest was doing so well that he actually did both PreAlgebra and Algebra in one year! So this year I have two needing Geometry and one needing Algebra II. Thanks for your help on this!”
-Sherone S.
I as a high-school student am quite excited about the opportunity I have in using this program.
“I as a high-school student am quite excited about the opportunity I have in using this program. This is the best software for math I’ve ever used.”
Thank you for this, we look forward to the upcoming school year with TabletClass.
“Just a note to let you know Kaleb is loving this online course. I was unsure of where to go for him for his first year in high school, (we home school) and a friend sent me a link to your site. We started him on a trial for Algebra 1 and he’s thrilled with it! He’s our math whiz and is a year ahead. Thank you for this, we look forward to the upcoming school year with TabletClass. Thank you!”
-Angela and Kaleb D.
I just want to comment on how much my daughter enjoys this math site and how much it is helping her. She is 13 and homeschooled, this program is a Godsent.
“Hi, I just want to comment on how much my daughter enjoys this math site and how much it is helping her. She is 13 and homeschooled, this program is a Godsent. John explains the lessons in a very simple, straightforward manner. We recommend this math program to others looking for a new math program. Thanks.”
-Teresa J., NM
-Carole Z.
-Blessings, Tracie E.
“Thank you John! We are looking forward to using TabletClass. My son enjoyed the demo and is excited about the course. I already shared on Facebook and told some local homeschooling friends about it as well. :)”
“Hi John, we had a great time using TabletClass reviewing Algebra 1 this Summer prior to Luke starting a Geometry course through Wilson Hill Academy. Thanks again for offering these excellent math courses!”
-Derek S.
“Hi John, we are using algebra 1 now (love it) and planning to buy geometry for next fall.”
“Thanks so much 🙂 I just want to tell you my daughter LOVES this program!!”
“Thank you so much for taking the time to help people! Your courses are wonderful! I have tried many others.
This is by far the best I have found!”
“I just wanted to take time to tell You how Thankful I am for your videos!!! Without them I don’t think I would have passed. Thank you again! The way you teach Math is Amazing :)”
“I just wanted to let you know that after taking your courses I passed the GED!!!! Thank you for the detail and time you put into your videos for people like me! I owe you big time for the lessons!”
“I passed my test thanks so much – I passed with 176!”
“Just want to break the fantastic news. I passed my Math exam with 152. I am so grateful for all your video’s and courses. Thank you for making it possible. Passed the Social Study with 151. I write the other two on the 15th. I will definitely recommend your books to everyone doing the GED diploma.”
-Regards, Lizelle
“I just wanna say thank you so much, I’ve took your online lessons and I am proud to say I passed my math GED!! You motivated me after taking your lessons, studying, and of course praying every day, studying all day and everyday. I am so happy I found your website!!”
“Thank you so much for taking the time to help people! Your courses are wonderful! I have tried many others.
This is by far the best I have found!”
“Hi! Mr. Zimmerman I just wanna say first and foremost thank you for putting together such a great tutorial program that helps to assist people like myself, I took my GED math test last night and guess what with your GED program I finally passed my test I received a phone call from the school telling me how I passed amen, thank God for your program thank you so much.”
“Dear Mr. Zimmerman, I am a high school sophomore taking Algebra II from your TabletClass program. Until this year I attended a traditional private school, and have experienced learning under many math teachers. I have enjoyed learning using TabletClass Math this year. The explanations are very methodical and easy to understand. Thanks!”
-Rebecca B.
“I just wanted to say Thank You for this online class. I love it, the way and pace that you verbally explain, along with the follow up example exercises I’m actually absorbing the information.”
“Hello, I want to start by saying how helpful these videos have been, love them. You have a gift.”
“Thanks to your videos I passed my math GED about a month ago! Thank you so much! Now I am working on the other the 3.”
-Love, Jordan
“I wanted to thank you, I don’t think I would have passed the test without your assistance!! Thank you so much for having this great lessons available online. They are such a great resource!! 🙂”
– Janet